Latest Update with the Growing Routes Project

New building design announcement

Approach view on Old US 1 North

Courtyard view

partnership with Master’s Plan Church Design and Construction

Peak city purchases 22 acres of property in apex, nc!


What is The Growing Routes Project?


The Growing Routes Project is peak city church’s effort to establish our own ministry facility in the town of Apex.


Our vision of REACHING the lost, GROWING disciple-makers, and SENDING people into their God-given calling means that growth is not an option. As long as there are lost people in the Triangle, Peak City Church will make room to welcome them.

Since February of 2022, the Peak City Church has grown on average by 100 people.

After outgrowing our first facility, changing meeting spaces 3 times during the COVID-19 pandemic, and meeting every challenge of doing portable church in this season, paving the way toward a permanent home is a prudent step of faith.


Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.

-Isaiah 43:19 CSV



  1. Raise $500,000 in capital to pre-approve the church for financing.

  2. Identify and purchase land in Apex for a permanent Peak City Church campus

  3. Pay off the principal and interest on the property

  4. Develop a master site plan for Peak City Church’s Apex campus

46 Baptisms 

31 Dream Teamers on launch Sunday. 95 on the Dream Team today 206.45% increase.

Peak City Kids - grown by an average of 30% since launch

Peak City Students - Grown by an average of 87.5%

459 salvations

229 people have taken their Next Steps

82% average increase in total attendance

Peak City Kids - 15,000,000 goldfish served 

47.6% increase in cars parked per Sunday


Tim Burns’ Story